Vet Endorsed • Family Business • No Pet Shops • Exclusively Cavoodles • Registered Breeder

Hong Kong

We happy service

Our Philosophy

Love is the key and a passion for excellence. Our Cavoodle family are treated with love, respect and kindness and they reward us with a happy and trusting disposition that positively affects their gorgeous puppies.

Our focus is on providing our prospective owners with a well bred companion puppy who will bring happiness to the home and create many years of wonderful memories.

Visiting Us

After we have offered you your forever friend, we invite you to visit and meet and greet your puppy, the parents, the environment and us. This can only happen when the 6 weeks vaccinations are completed.

Where a personal visit is not possible for interstate clients, we will do everything we can to make sure you and your pup are well suited. We organise interstate travel with Jetpets - proven to be dedicated and professional in their care of our pups. We provide a brand new crate.

A CavoodleLove Puppy is a family member, an integral part of your life for many years. We promise to all of our puppies parents, openness, fairness and honesty so that your puppy will bring you, CavoodleLove.
